24 April 2011

The Passive Job Seeker is Golden

especially in today's economic environment, employers are becoming more and more "picky", considering who they hire ... and rightly so. With unemployment rates reaching highs that we saw in the last few decades, more and more job seekers have resorted to the "manufactured enthusiasm" in hopes of impressing recruiters. These candidates are willing to settle for a job are less than passionate about, while waiting for the career opportunities that are truly qualified for the drop. This makes it not-so-happy employees, and one with the potential to infect their partners. It becomes expensive for an employer who is unnecessarily wasted time, energy and money on employees who are likely to remain long enough to justify the investment.

As an executive recruitment advertising, with more than 25 years experience, let me share an important lesson that I have yet learned to work with some of the most successful staff of professionals in the industry. It is simply this: the best candidates for any position are those who are already employed in similar or parallel position and are not satisfied with their condition. Just because you are not actively seeking a new job, however, does not mean they are not open to opportunity when it knocks. The question is, how to reach passive job seekers.

While the career Web sites are a vital tool for recruiting, I have to believe that someone who has time to go to this site are actively looking for work. Does it mean that such people are bad candidates? Of course not, but it does suggest that career sites are likely to provide more than a very limited number of passive seekers described above.

Daily Gazette, on the other hand, can be a very successful tool for achieving passive seekers - especially those who travel. And guess what? These people are commuting, because they are going to work ... because they are employed! Ads in national and regional newspapers have performed very well in making these passive job seekers for our clients.

Using the Metropolitan in New York as an example, many of our clients advertise in such a prominent dallies the NY Times, Post, Daily News, Newsday and on a steady basis, especially those looking for top sellers and health workers. Another excellent vehicle for achieving passive seekers daily newspaper amNewYork. Distributed at no cost in the suburban areas around New York City and its suburbs, amNewYork enjoys great commuter circulation.

The younger candidates who appear to be losing interest in the print media? Some journals are already interactive edition is compatible with platforms such as smartphones and a new iPad. These convert print ads in online videos that are certain to attract the younger demographics. And as augmented reality applications help transform the print media entry portal for web-based interactivity, they are required to recapture a substantial part of the younger audience. They will no doubt find a way to overshadow those of us in the older demo, keeping our interest, as well.

So, if your entire recruitment strategy is based on career Web sites themselves, You May be missing out on the pool of ideal candidates. Only by integrating their online efforts with print, radio and television are likely to find a golden goose, and not just one of the army of unemployed people who wanted to double park for a while on the dollar!

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